Coming Home July 2011


Working on new material for the blog!

It has taken me awhile to decide what to do with the blog. I felt lost not posting pictures of the missionaries and I've felt lost with not having my missionary routine. We are starting to settle into a different routine and I have decided to start blogging again. It will take me a little while to get things squared away but we are rolling into the next phase of our journey in life - recovery from the best experience of our lives ( the mission), knee surgery( Tim's), physical therapy for my back, and the economy with our business. We look forward to continuing our growth spiritually and preparing for what comes next!

My music

To learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Friday, October 3, 2008

Transfer Day!!! OCTOBER 31ST!!!

Transfer day was a little quieter this time. I'm not sure if it was that they figured out where they were going or if it was just a different group of Missionaries. Since it was Presidents B-day this week I decided to do a little demonstration. His favorite saying is "You're only as good as your tools!" He uses that a lot in his talks, so I presented him with a tool belt! The tool belt was to hold the tools that pertain to 1. "Vasha Sel "which is "My Purpose" from Preach My Gospel. These tools will help bring others unto Christ. 2." Effective Study" - using the scriptures, companionship study, personal study - the "Hammer" there are different types of hammers - some are weak and not well constructed while others are stronger and much better constructed. Just like our study - we need a well constructed study to make it effective. 3. "Study and Teach" the lessons from this chapter - "Pliers" - a ply what you study and teach. 4. "Recognize the Spirit". I liken this to a "Flashlight" - when we recognize the spirit - the light comes on! 5. "Book of Mormon" which is the keystone to our religion. If the keystone is not in place the 2 pillars will eventually crumble. Without the "Buckle" on this belt - the belt will fall. 6. "Christ-like-Attributes". "Nails" - Christ sacrificed his life for us - He has the nail prints in his hands and feet. We too are asked to sacrifice and we go thru trials that seem like nails sticking us. These trials help grow and help us develop Christ like Attributes. 7. "Language Study" - be dedicated, diligent and seek for the gift of tongues and interpreting of tongues and "STICK TO IT"(duck tape). 8. "Use time Wisely" - set goals, daily and weekly planning session, be accountable for your time - it's the Lords time and it's only 2 years of your time. Use your "Planner". 9."Finding People" - talk to everyone, keep up the area book, help those in need, involve members, FHE Books. Every person is different and every situation is different - I liken this to a "Screw
Driver" which is a very valuable tool in construction. There are different types of screw drivers - a phillips or a flat head and all different sizes. Your finding tools are very important just as a screw driver is in construction world. 10. "Teaching Skills". Involve members, use scriptures, listen, ask questions and be flexible." Adjust" to the teaching needs for those you teach. The Key work is adjust - just as a "Wrench" adjusts to what size you need it to be. 11. "Keep Commitments". Bear Testimony - followup! The use of some form of device to mark things with is important in the construction world also. "A Permanent Marker" - to mark down their commitments and bare you testimony and mark it in their hearts! 12. "Baptism and Confirmation " On a construction site, it's important to be prepared- and most sites you may need to measure things carefully. Investigators need proper preparation for Baptism and confirmation. Just like a "Measuring Tape" - if the measurements are off - everything is off - if the proper preparation with interviews etc. is not correctly done than everything is thrown off. 13. "District and Branch Leaders" Build good relationships with them. Keep in touch with them and inform them as to how things are going. The "Cell Phone" becomes a great tool in construction work as well as the work of keeping everyone informed. So remember - You are only as good as your tools!! Sorry to be so long in this. I just wanted you to know what all the pictures were about. Our new Zone Leaders are: Elder Blad - he is going to Gorlovka to serve with Elder Gwynn and Elder Johnson is going to serve with Elder Sutherland in Donetsk Center and Elder Peters is going to serve with Elder Doxey in Kharkov. Our District Leaders are Elder Hammond in Mariupol serving with Elder McArthur and Elder Stevens in Lugontsk with Elder Eckersley. Seniors are Elder Woodhead serving in Alexsavka with Elder Wadsworth, Elder Summerhays serving in XTZ with Elder Thompson, Elder Greener in XTZ with Elder Beus, and Elder Putnam in Lugontsk with Elder Balser. Our Trainers are Elder McKinney in XTZ with Elder Rosen, Elder Dorman in Alexsavka with Elder Duffy, Elder Marineau in Petroskey with Elder Howard and Elder Kalian in Petrosky with Elder Jones. Elder Green was brought into the office over finances and Elder Ehrisman went to Solvtaka. Co-Seniors are Elder Crossley and Elder Harris. Everyone seemed a little more quiet this time and yet as they packed up to go all seemed pretty excited about their companions and where they were going. It is hard to believe we've been here 4 months now - and this is our 3rd transfer. The missionaries don't talk in months rather in transfers which is about every 6 weeks. There was plenty of food and everyone was fed and sent on their way.


Melinda said...

Sister Fry,

I love all the new additions. It looks really good. Keep up the great work. I am sure the parents love it.

Karen said...

Sister Fry,

Thanks so much for the birthday cake for E.Carlson!! I'm afraid he won't want to come home. I love all the pictures that you post.

Thanks again,
Karen (E. Carlson's mom)